
Showing posts from February, 2022

Are you looking for the best Acupuncture for anxiety in NYC?

 What Is Anxiety? Everyone has moments of anxiety throughout their life – it's a normal reaction to feelings of stress. Some anxiety can actually be beneficial in some situations, as it activates a fight or flight instinct and helps you prepare and pay sharper attention to what's around you. The difference between anxiety-inducing moments and an anxiety disorder is that feelings of anxiousness are persistent and recurring for those affected. Feelings of anxiety are disproportionate to the situation and make the ability to function normally difficult and, in some cases, impossible. Why choose Acupuncture? Acupuncture theory states that there are pathways or acupuncture meridians through which energy, known as Qi, flows within our bodies. Internally, each acupuncture meridian is connected with an internal organ. Each organ houses a spirit associated with it. For example, the Heart stores Shen and the Liver stores Po, Lungs store Hu and Kidneys have Zhi. When the internal organs g